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About this page

This page aims to capture common technical components and best practices for form building tools.

It is structured around the needs of the teams creating and/or maintaining forms.

At the bottom of the page, it includes links to the MOJ Forms and Home Office / FCDO XGovFormBuilder repositories as example implementations for some of these concepts.

This page should be reviewed and iterated on an ongoing basis with inputs from the cross-government form building community.

Form Builders

A form builder is a hosted product that allows teams to create a custom form or a service with some pre-existing tools.

The x-gov form building community does not recommend any one particular form building tool. However, organisations can take steps to standardise components so there is consistency across form builders and forms.

Form Builder Components

Advantages of form builders

Using a ready-made form builder allows service teams to:

  • quickly and easily prototype designs
  • reduce costs and development time of forms
  • make services consistent and accessible
  • reduce the complexity of making forms
  • help teams to focus on the most important parts of their service like content design

Addressing user needs with form builder components

Form builders should allow teams to address the following user needs with specific components:

  1. User need: Create new forms and services as well as make changes to them

    Component: An Editor user interface application allows users to create and edit a form, for example by adding or deleting pages or using pre-determined page templates and form components (like single or multiple questions). This application also helps to visualise the form and form logic, A web-based interface provides the best user experience and then passes the form data to a different component to handle.

  2. User need: Preview, share and test forms

    Component: A Runner application allows users to preview functionality and / or allow for a production form to be displayed to the user. The Runner can also include configurations to meet service requirements (for example, user session management to set limits to inactive sessions).

  3. User need: Manage the forms they own

    Component: Storage of the form metadata and controlled by the Metadata API.

  4. User need: Publish forms in test and production environments

    Component: A Publisher application, which integrates to a preferred cloud-hosting solution should allow users to publish forms. However, not all form builder tools have the functionality built-in.

  5. User need: Process information in a secure way to fulfil end user service requests

    Component: A Submitter application can process data submitted when a form is completed. This application can also integrate with other backend systems - such as case management or by processing the submission via email (e.g through Notify or another mailing service). This data will need to conform with the information asset classification (with any handling caveats) and any GDPR and DPIA considerations.

Case studies