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Workshop 3

Date: 30/04/2021

Lightning talks and workshops:

Venus Bailey - A year of forming the community

James Gauld - DWP CASA form builder

Irina Pencheva - Tech stream workshops presentation and form builders terminologies feedback workshop with EasyRetro board

Cathy Dutton - Minimum viable design presentation/ Blog post

Harry Vos - Value preposition workshop with EasyRetro board

Workshop 2

Date: 2/10/2020

Theme: Form design

Lightning talks:

Caroline Jarrett - Let’s have a lovely chat about forms

Phil Cogger - Showing content design thinking quicker using MOJ Online

Chris Fryer - Forms in a formless place

Jorden Stewart - The Author Tool: Covid-19 and rapid response

Lean coffee discussion session

Workshop 1

Date: 26/6/2020

Theme: The many ways we build and use forms

Lightning talks

Cathy Dutton - Forms, form builders & Defra

Richard Towers and Leena Gupte - GOV.UK Forms in the time of Coronavirus

James Sheppard - History, HOF, How Long?! How Much?! Hackdays and High Hopes

MoJ II - Creating a repeatable and scalable solution for publishing online forms

MoJ I - Decision Maker

Lizzie Bell - Ofsted/ HMRC/ Govforms collaboration

Paul Downey - Recalling GOV.UK Submit

Oliver Lewis - gforms a super brief history